Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Ubuntu developer preview feature allows users to dual boot with Android


Canonical has offered developer previews of the smartphone flavor of Ubuntu since February 2013, but today the company released a new feature that makes it easier than ever for users to dip their toes in the mobile Ubuntu water. This new solution is the Ubuntu Dual Boot developer preview, which allows users to install Ubuntu onto their Android device and switch between the two OSes with just the click of an app icon.
Over on the official Ubuntu Developer blog, Canonical explains that after unlocking their device and enabling USB debugging, users can load the Ubuntu Installer app onto the compatible Android hardware and let Google’s green robot handle the installation of Ubuntu itself. Once complete, users can hop back and forth between Android and Ubuntu simply by clicking on the “Ubuntu Dual Boot” app.
So what do you need to get your dual boot on? Canonical specifically calls out the Nexus 4 as being a compatible device, but it also notes that the Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 should work as well, but that it hasn’t tested them to be sure. The device must be on Android 4.2 or higher and have both an unlocked bootloader and at least 2.7GB of free space. Finally, users will need to have ADB tools installed on their computer.
As I mentioned before, interested users have been able to load Ubuntu on their Nexus hardware for the majority of 2013. This new dual-boot solution is definitely the most attraction option for the Ubuntu-curious to date, though, as it allows them to easily escape back into the world of Android without having to go through the work of reflashing the OS. That said, this is still called a “developer preview” for a reason, and so only users that are comfortable with terms like “ADB,” “bootloader” and “flashing” should load the Ubuntu Dual-Boot software onto their device.
What do you think of what you’ve seen of Canonical’s Ubuntu Touch OS so far? Have you installed the developer preview onto any of your devices?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Happy Yomari Day" योमरिपुन्ही

About Yomari:
योमरि पुन्हीबारे ‘रत्नाबदान बुद्ध वचन’ पुस्तकमा एउटा रोचक किंवदन्ती छ। किंवदन्तीअनुसार धेरै वर्षपहिले पाञ्चालनगर (हालको पनौती) मा सुचन्द्र नाम गरेका एकजना निकै धर्मात्मा महाजन थिए। उनकी पत्नी दयालु र लच्छिनकी थिइन्। तिनीहरूका सन्तान थिएनन्। दुई पतिपत्नीको सानो परिवार थियो। तिनीहरू भगवान् विष्णुका भक्त थिए। एकपल्ट मार्ग शुक्ल पूर्णिमाका दिन सुचन्द्रदम्पतीले घरलाई सफासुग्घर गरी शुद्ध पारेर योमरि बनाउन थाले। त्यसै बेला सुचन्द्र र उनकी पत्नीको परीक्षा लिने विचारले कुवेर त्यहाँ आइपुगे। भगवान् कुवेरले तिनीहरूको कीर्ति थाहा पाइसकेका थिए। त्यसैले कुवेर तिनीहरू कत्तिका धर्मात्मा र दयालु रहेछन् भनी बुझ्न गरिब ब्राह्मणको भेषमा सुचन्द्रको घरमा भिक्षा माग्न गए। यसरी धान्यपूर्णिमाका दिन गरिब ब्राह्मण भिक्षा माग्न आएको देखेर सुचन्द्रदम्पतीले भिक्षा मात्र नदिई ती गरिब ब्राह्मणलाई लशकुश गरी घर भित्र्याए। उनको शरीरमा झुत्रो लुगा थियो, त्यसैले कपडा फेर्न लगाए। ब्राह्मण अन्त पनि भिक्षा माग्न जान हतारिएकाले चाँडै केही खुुवाएर पठाउने तिनीहरूले विचार गरे। गरिब ब्राह्मणको हृदयमा नारायणको बास हुन्छ, अतिथिको सत्कार गर्नु भनेको भगवान्को सत्कार गर्नु हो भन्ने सम्झेर गरिब ब्राह्मणलाई अतिथि मानी आफूहरूले बफाइराखेको योमरिसहित विभिन्न परिकार राखी श्रद्धापूर्वक भोजन गराए। तिनीहरूको अतिथिप्रतिको यस्तो सम्मान र भक्ति देखेर कुवेर भगवान् प्रसन्न भई आफ्नो असली स्वरूप तिनीहरूलाई देखाए। साक्षात् कुवेर भगवान्को दर्शन पाएर सुचन्द्रदम्पती खुसी भए।

भगवान् कुवेरले ‘म कुवेर हुँ’ भन्दै आफ्नो परिचय दिई सुचन्द्रदम्पतीलाई योमरिपूर्णिमामा यमरिपूजा गर्ने विधि बताइदिए। योमरिपुन्हीका दिन बेलुका योमरि बनाइसकेपछि धानको भकारीमा लक्ष्मी, कुमार, गणेश र कुवेरको प्रतिरूप राखी यमरिका साथ विधिपूर्वक पूजा गर्ने विधि पनि बताइदिए। यसबाट घरको सुख–ऐश्वर्यमा वृद्धि हुने कुरा पनि बताए। आफूसँग ल्याएको बिमिरो पनि कुवेरले सुचन्द्रदम्पतीलाई दिए। त्यसपछि भगवान् कुवेर अन्तध्र्यान भए। सुचन्द्र महाजनले पनि कुवेरले भनेबमोजिम पूजा गरेर चार दिनपछि प्रसाद झिके। प्रसादरूपी यमरि उनले बाँडिदिए। त्यसको प्रतापले उनीहरूको घरमा सुख–ऐश्वर्यले बास गर्‍यो। पूजाकै प्रभावले दुई दम्पती सुखपूर्वक रहन थाले। दिन, हप्ता, महिना, वर्ष हुँदै यो कुरा सबैतिर फैलिन थाल्यो। त्यसपछि सबैले योमरिपुन्हीको चलन चलाए र घरघरमा योमरि पकाई खान थाले।

योमरि पर्व खासगरी नेवार समुदायमा प्रख्यात छ। यो पर्वको अर्को नाम धान्यपूर्णिमा पनि हो। हाल योमरिपुन्ही सबैको प्यारो र रमाइलो पर्व बन्न पुगेको छ। यो पर्वमा बालक, वृद्ध, युवा सबै रमाउने गर्दछन्। पनौतीबाट जन्मेको योमरि पर्व हाल विस्तार भएर नेपालका कुना–काप्चामा पुगिसकेको छ। अहिले यस पर्वलाई सबै समुदायले मन पराउन थालेका छन्।

योमरिपुन्ही नेपालका महत्वपूर्ण पर्वमध्ये एक हो। नेपालमा मनाइने चाडपर्वमध्ये यसको विशिष्ट स्थान छ। यो पूर्णिमा प्राय मंसिर महिनामा पर्दछ। यही दिन पनौतीको धनेश्वर महादेवस्थानमा ठूलो मेला लाग्दछ। यो मेला भर्नका लागि टाढा–टाढाबाट भक्तजन आउने गर्दछन्।

‘योमरि’ नेवारी शब्द हो। ‘यो’ को अर्थ मन पर्ने र ‘मरि’ को अर्थ रोटी हो। योमरिको शाब्दिक अर्थ ‘मन पर्ने रोटी’ हुन्छ। यो रोटी विशेष किसिमको माटोको भाँडामा बफाएर पकाउने गरिन्छ। यस्तो माटोको भाँडोलाई नेपालभाषामा ‘पोटासी’ भन्ने गरिन्छ। मंसिर महिनामा सबैका घरमा नयाँ बाली भित्रिएको हुन्छ। त्यसैले नयाँ धानबाट पीठो बनाई यो पर्व मनाउने गरिन्छ। त्यो दिन बिहानै उठेर घरलाई शुद्ध बनाई रोटी बनाउन थालिन्छ। योमरि विभिन्न आकारका बनाइने चलन छ। योमरिको आकार निकै सुन्दर र आकर्षक देखिन्छ। योमरि प्राय चाकु र तील हालेर बनाइन्छ। योमरि बफाउनुभन्दा पहिले मुछेको पीठोबाट विषेश आकार दिइन्छ। त्यसपछि चाकु र तीलको मिश्रण त्यसभित्र हालेर बफाउने गरिन्छ। योमरि चाकु र तीलको मात्र बनाइँदैन। कुनै योमरि मासु राखेर बनाइएका हुन्छन् भने कुनैमा खुवा राखेर पनि बनाइन्छ। कसैकसैले स्वादका लागि मासु राखेर पनि पकाएका हुन्छन्। योमरि हेर्दै खाउँखाउँ लाग्ने हुन्छ।

योमरि बनाउने पनि एउटा कला हो। यो जसले पायो त्यसले एकैपल्टमा बनाउन गाहै्र हुन्छ। यो दिन बालबालिका रहरले योमरि माग्न जाने गर्दछन्।
‘योमरि चुइँ चुइँ छुचुँ मारी आइँ,
ब्युसा ल्यासे मब्युसा बुुरिकुटी’
(योमरी नरम नरम अरु कडा रोटी
जसले दिन्छ ऊ तरुनी नदिने बूढी)

भन्दै बालबालिका योमरि माग्ने गर्दछन्। यो परम्परा सदियौँदेखि कायम रहेको छ। यो दिन धनेश्वरमा मेला लाग्नुका साथै काठागणेशको धुमधामसँग जात्रा पनि हुुन्छ। यो जात्रामा सम्पूर्ण नगरवासी सरिक हुने गर्दछन्। पूजाआजासहित खटमा राखिएको गणेशलाई नगरपरिक्रमा गराई गरिने यो जात्राको पनि विशेष महत्त्व छ। बिहान योमरि पकाइसकेपछि खानुअघि योमरि राखेर नगरभित्रका देवीदेवताको पूजा गर्न जाने चलन छ। बेलुका शुद्ध गरी छुट्याइराखेको योमरिका साथ कुमार, गणेश, कुवेर र लक्ष्मीको पूजा गरिन्छ। यसरी पूजा गरेको योमरिलाई चार दिनपछि भक्तिपूर्वक अर्चना गरी प्रसाद झिकिन्छ र योमरिलाई प्रसादका रूपमा बाँडिन्छ। योमरिको महत्त्व धार्मिक तथा सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्रसम्म मात्र सीमित छैन। वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोणले समेत यसको ठूलो महत्त्व छ। मंसिर महिना जाडो यामभित्र पर्दछ। मंसिरमा मुटु कमाउने जाडो हुन्छ। यस्तो बेलामा शरीरको तापक्रम सन्तुलित गरिराख्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। त्यसका लागि शरीरलाई तातो बनाइराख्ने खानेकुरा खानुपर्दछ। यस्तो बेलामा योमरिले मानिसको शरीरका लागि आवश्यक न्यानोपना दिन्छ। योमरिभित्र रहेको चाकु र तीलले शरीरको तापमानलाई सन्तुलित बनाइराख्न सहयोग पुर्‍याउँछ। स्वस्थकर, चिल्लोरहित यो परिकार सबै उमेरका मानिसहरूका लागि उपयोगी पनि छ।

नेपाली सामाजिक जनजीवनमा पनि यो पुन्हीको ठूलो भूमिका छ। सामाजिक जनजीवनको सांस्कृतिक प्रचलनमा योमरि अनिवार्य मानिन्छ। २ देखि १२ वर्षसम्मका बालबालिकाहरूको जोर वर्ष परेको जन्मदिनमा (२, ४, ६, ८, १०, १२) बालकको वर्षअनुसारको योमरि राखी माला बनाएर जन्मदिनमा लगाइदिने चलन छ। बाह्रवर्ष नाघेपछि भने योमरिको माला लगाई जन्मदिन मनाउने चलन छैन। त्यस्तै, गर्भवती महिलालाई माइतीका तर्फबाट योमरिसहित विभिन्न परिकारको भोज खुवाउने चलन छ। नेवार समुदायमा बूढाबूढीको जङ्को (भीमरथारोहण) गर्दा पनि योमरि चाहिन्छ। उपत्यकाको रातो मच्छेन्द्रनाथ र सेतो मच्छेन्द्रनाथको रथ तान्नुअघि योमरि छर्ने प्रचलन अझै छ। हाल योमरि पर्वको महत्व बढ्दै गएको छ। यो पर्व हामी सम्पूर्ण नेपालीको पर्व हो। सांस्कृतिक रूपमा मात्र नभई वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोणले समेत यसको महत्व विशेष छ।ज मार्गपूर्णिमा अर्थात् धान्यपूर्णिमा, आजका दिन उपत्यका लगायतका मुलुकभरका नेवार समुदायले यमरी पुन्ही र ज्यापू दिवस मनाउादै छन्। त्यस्तै नेपालका पूर्वी क्षेत्रमा बसोबास गर्दै आएका किराात समुदायले पनि आजकै दिन उधौली पर्व मनाउाने गर्छन्। यस पर्वमा नेवार समुदायले यमरी नामक मीठो खाद्यपरिकार बनाइ खाने चलन छ भने किराात समुदायले पनि नयाा अन्न भित्र्याएको खुसीयालीमा यो पर्व मनाउाने परम्परा छ। त्यसैले किसानहरूको प्रमुख बाली धान काटेर भित्र्याउने समयमा पर्ने भएकोले यी तीनै पर्व कृषि संस्कृतिसाग सम्बन्धित भएको संस्कृतिविद् दिनेशराज पन्तको भनाइ छ।

यी पर्वहरूले नेपाली कृषि संस्कृतिको अस्तित्व बोध गराउानुको साथै नेपाली समाजमा रहेको कृषिको महत्व पनि बुझाउाने उनको भनाइ छ। उनी भन्छन्– ‘हाम्रो देश कृषिप्रधान भएकोले यी तीनैवटा चाडपर्वहरूको आनै महत्व रहेका छन्। र, यो चाड सूर्य उत्तरायण भएको संकेत पनि हो।’

यमरी पुन्ही
नेपालका नेवार समुदायले आज यमरी पुन्ही अर्थात् धान्यपूर्णिमा मनाउादै छन्। प्राकृतिक पर्वको रूपमा मनाइने यस पर्वमा नेवारी खाद्यपरिकार यमरीको विशेष महत्व रहेको छ। यमरी खानले जाडोका लागि आवश्यक शारीरिक ताप तथा ऊर्जा प्राप्त हुनुको साथै कफजन्य रोग पनि नष्ट हुने जनविश्वास छ। चामलको पीठोभित्र खुवा, चाकु तथा विभिन्न मसला राखेर तयार गरिने यमरी नेवारहरूको विशेष एवम् स्वादिष्ट व्यञ्जन हो।

नेवारी किसान समुदायमा आजको दिन चामलको पीठोबाट गणेश, लक्ष्मी, ज्यापू, ज्यापून्ही, ख्याक र कुबेर आदिको प्रतीकको साथ ल्वंचामरी चढाएर ढुकुटी पूजा गरिन्छ। यसरी पूजा गरेमा कृषि उत्पादनमा वृद्धि हुने र भोजनको अभाव नहुने विश्वास गरिन्छ। आजको दिन नेवार समुदायले घरघरमा गई तिहारको देउसी–भैलोमा जस्तै यमरी मागेर खाने र रमाइलो गर्ने गर्दछन्। त्यसक्रममा उनीहरू यस्ता गीत गाउाछन्–

यमरि च्वामू उके दुने हाम्व,
बिउसा ल्यासे मब्युसा बुरिकुती,
त्यछिं त्य, वकछिं त्य,
लाटपाटा कुलिंचा जुत्छी त्य !

Thursday, November 28, 2013

What is AOSP and TouchWiz.

Probably the most common question I get these days is, “what is AOSP?”
Well, AOSP stands for “Android Open Source Project”.  Basically, AOSP refers to Google’s Android operating system.
Now, what does AOSP mean for rooting and custom ROMs?
You probably have seen “AOSP” ROMs versus TouchWiz, Sense, MotoBlur, etc…etc…
AOSP ROMs refer to custom ROMs that are built from the original Android source code.
TouchWiz, Sense, or MotoBlur ROMs on the other hand are also built from the original Android source code.  But there is a difference.
AOSP ROMs keep the “open source” concept whereas TouchWiz/Sense/MotoBlur ROMs are highly modified versions of AOSP by companies like Samsung, HTC, and Motorola.
Hense, when someone refers to an AOSP ROM, they are referring to a ROM based on Google’s open source code, not Samsung, HTC, or Motorola’s.
To keep it simple, just think of it this way.  AOSP ROMs will come with all the features that Google made available to their original Android operating system.
On the other hand, TouchWiz/Sense/MotoBlur ROMs have additional “branded” features added such as Samsung’s Smart Stay, Smart Rotation, Multi-window, etc…etc…

How to tell an AOSP ROM from TouchWiz/Sense/MotoBlur ROM?

AOSP ROMs usually ship with its own “vanilla” launcher that looks like Android original launcher.  This may include launchers like Trebuchet (for CyanogenMod) or just Android Jelly Bean launcher.
Of course, some non-AOSP ROMs also ship with Nova launcher, which may fool you into thinking that its an AOSP ROM since Nova launcher mimics the Android “vanilla” launcher.
Another way to tell an AOSP ROM from TouchWiz/Sense/MotoBlur ROM is by the size of the custom ROM zip file.
Most AOSP ROMs such as CM10.1, AOKP, or ParanoidAndroid are less than 200MB on average in size (size of ROM zip file).
TouchWiz, Sense, or MotoBlur ROMs are usually bigger than 500MB on average and most near 1GB.
Why the big difference in size?
Well, that’s how much bloatware Samsung, HTC, and Motorola adds on to the existing AOSP code.  Everything including UI, features, sounds, and carrier-dependent apps add up to more file size.
That doesn’t necessarily mean non-AOSP ROMs run slower but in most cases, AOSP ROMs do run faster than non-AOSP ROMs since they don’t include the extra stuff.

Is AOSP ROMs better than non-AOSP ROMs?

AOSP ROMs may be better than non-AOSP ROMs but that all depends on your preference.
For example, if I installed an AOSP ROM like AOKP on a Galaxy Note 2, my phone would probably run faster.  But the downside is that I would lose all Samsung features like Multi-window, Smart Stay, Smart Rotation, TouchWiz, and anything that was added by Samsung.
If you enjoy some of the Samsung features, AOSP might not be the best for you as it will not let you use some of the features your phone came out of the box with.  On the other hand, you might enjoy AOSP more if you decide that you don’t need any of those Samsung features.
So, it all depends on the user, you.  Whatever feature you want, either AOSP or non-AOSP ROMs will have it,  you just have to decide what you want.
Personally, I enjoy both AOSP and TouchWiz.  There’s always advantages to running AOSP or non-AOSP and it just depends on the situation.
My advice?  Try both AOSP and non-AOSP for a week and decide for yourself.
And if you don’t have time to root and install custom ROMs on your phone but you want AOSP, you can get a Google non-branded phone like the Nexus 4.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Download Android applications directly from Google Play Store to Your computer.[[Updated]]

You can only download android free applications from google play store in Chrome Browser.
download APK downloader from here.
drag the downloaded .crx file to chrome browser.
Further login with your google account is required . 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Android 4.4 KitKat: Top ten features for developers

Unless you were living in a cave, you would have heard that Google unveiled Android 4.4 aka KitKat on Thursday. As you can expect, this new version of Android brings several new features and improvements over Jelly Bean and these are not just for consumers but also for developers.
In this article, we will be talking about some of the best features of Android 4.4, which will help Android developers in building great new apps. So, what are these?
  1. New Full-screen immersive mode: Now your apps can use every pixel on the device screen to showcase your content and capture touch events. Immersive mode hides all system UI such as the status bar and navigation bar.
  2. Transition framework: To make it easier to create high-quality animations in your app, Android 4.4 introduces a new transitions framework. The transitions framework lets you define scenes, typically view hierarchies, and transitions, which describe how to animate or transform the scenes when the user enters or exits them.
  3. Chromium Webview: KitKat includes a completely new implementation of WebView that’s based on Chromium. The new Chromium WebView gives you the latest in standards support, performance, and compatibility to build and display your web-based content.
  4. Printing framework: Android 4.4 introduces native platform support for printing, along with APIs for managing printing and adding new types of printer support. Now, your Android apps can print any type of content over Wi-Fi or cloud-hosted services such as Google Cloud Print.
  5. Low-power sensors: Android now includes support for hardware sensor batching, a new optimization that can dramatically reduce power consumed by ongoing sensor activities. Sensor batching is ideal for low-power, long-running use-cases such as fitness, location tracking, monitoring, and more. It can makes your app more efficient and it lets you track sensor events continuously.
  6. New screen-recorder: A screen recording utility that lets you capture video as you use the device and store it as an MP4 file. It’s a great new way to create walkthroughs and tutorials for your app, testing materials, marketing videos, and much more.
  7. RenderScript in NDK: A new C++ API in the Android Native Development Kit (NDK) lets you use RenderScript from your native code, with access to script intrinsics, custom kernels, and more.
  8. Improved accessibility support: Android 4.4 now supports a better accessibility experience across apps by adding system-wide preferences for Closed Captioning. Apps that use video can now access the user’s captioning settings and adjust presentation to meet the user’s preferences.
  9. Storage access framework: It makes it simple for users to browse and open documents, images, and other files across all of their their preferred document storage providers.

  10. New connectivity options: Support for two new Bluetooth profiles – Bluetooth HID over GATT (HOGP) and Bluetooth MAP. Android 4.4 also introduces platform support for built-in IR blasters, along with a new API and system service that let you create apps to take advantage them. In addition, KitKat includes a seamless way to stream media and other data faster between devices already on the same Wi-Fi network by supporting Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup (TDLS).

Android 4.4 KitKat: Top ten features for users

After months of waiting, Android 4.4 is finally here. Announced yesterday without much fanfare, KitKat is the biggest Android release since the launch of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.
Set to reach Nexus devices and Google Play edition phones in the coming days, Android 4.4 brings a lot of new features and plethora of improvements. We have already covered the top ten features for Android developers and now it is the turn of consumer-centric changes.
Take a look at the top ten features of the new Android 4.4 KitKat for consumers:Google apps in Android 4.4
  1. Ok Google: When on your home-screen or in Google Now, just say “Ok Google” to launch voice search, send a text, get directions or even play a song
  2. Intelligent Phone app: The new phone app automatically prioritizes your contacts based on the people you talk to the most. You can also search for nearby places and businesses, your contacts, or people in your Google Apps domain.
  3. Smarter Caller ID: Whenever you get a call from a phone number not in your contacts, your phone will look for matches from businesses with a local listing on Google Maps.
  4. Emoji in Google Keyboard: Emoji are not available system-wide on Google Keyboard
  5. Google Cloud Print
  6. Cloud Print-Support: Now you can print photos, documents, and web pages from your phone or tablet. You can print to any printer connected to Google Cloud Print, to HP ePrint printers, and to other printers that have apps in the Google Play Store.
  7. Revamped Email app: The redesigned Email app has a fresh new look with nested folders, contact photos and better navigation.
  8. Low-power audio playback: Android 4.4 on Nexus 5 lets you listen to music for longer – up to 60 hours of audio playback.
  9. Revamped Downloads app: Downloads app has finally be updated with match the design-language of other Google apps
  10. QuickOffice
  11. Built-in QuickOffice: No need to look for office-suites in Google Play anymore. Android now comes with QuickOffice, which is a quite decent offering.
  12. Music and movie-seeking from lock screen: Jump to a specific part of a song or video from your lock screen. Just long press on the play or pause button and then select the point you want.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Increase internal phone memory of android

for example i will use Samsung galaxy y
01. You will need to root your phone first
2. We need to create a partition on your SD Card or your microSD card.
2.a. To create a partition in our microSD Card, we will be needing a free tool called MiniTool
2.b. After you have download the MiniTool Partition Wizard, install it in your computerand Run MiniTool.
2.c. If your microSD card is new then you can
proceed with creating a partition. If not be sure
to back up everything in your microSD card.
Creating a partition will delete every data in your
microSD card. Proceed with caution. The first
time I did this, almost all of my apps and games where gone, but they were still
physically installed.
2.d. Plug your microSD card to your computer. While in MiniTool, right click yourmicroSD card drive and format it. REMEMBER: Be sure it is the
correct drive and do this after you have backup
every data in your card. Select fat32 as file system, hit ok and hit the apply button found in
the upper left corner of MiniTool (the one with the big blue check mark).
2.e. After you have formatted it, right click on the microSD drive again and select Move/Resize . In
my case I created a 1.37GB partition size while the
unallocated space is set to 500MB. The unallocated size will serve as the additional internal memory of
your android smartphone. Hit ok after you have set the partition size.
2.f. You will see in the MiniTool window an unallocated size in your microSD card. In my case,
its about 506MB. Right click and create a partition for it, it will be formatted at the same time.
Choose EXT3 as its file system. Hit the Apply button again after. Again be sure to hit the big
check “Apply” button otherwise the changes would not be implemented.
3. After partition, you will only see the FAT32 portion of the microSD in your Windows Computer. But in Minitool you will see that there is
a FAT32 and EXT3 partition. Now your done with the partitioning.
4. After you have created the two partitions (fat 32
and ext3), remove it and plug your microSD to your Samsung Galaxy Y (or android smartphone)
5. You will also be needing another app called link2sd .
6. Install link2sd in your smartphone, run link2sd and it will ask you to mount script. Choose ext3 and hit OK.
7. After you have successfully done that, reboot your android smartphone.
8. Once your phone returns from reboot, Run link2sd, go to its settings and check everything to
auto-link. That should do it!
mission completed

How To Run Java Apps In Android

You can run java apps in your android easily. you need to download j2me from Google play. or you can use this method to run java apps in your android.
you can convert jar files to apk
files via this website … you need to
upload the file. they will convert it
to apk.
or you can also try
you have to change the java extension ex: .Jar into Android extension .Apk to use app runner

Drift Mania: Street Outlaws Apk+Data

Drift Mania: Street Outlaws takes the heat to the streets allowingplayers to battle and compete in underground drift events based on various world locations.
From Japan where it all began, to the Swiss Alps, Desert Canyons and the steep hills of San Francisco, Street Outlaws will take you to the edge of your seat while drifting around some of the most hazardous roads.
Delivering the same addictive gameplay as the other titles of the Drift Mania series,Street Outlaws features high end 3D graphics, more realistic controls and a new improved multiplayer mode.
Feature :
1) High definition graphics.
2) Customize & upgrade your car.
3) Xperia play support.
4) 21 high-performance street vehicles with unique specs.
5) 13 drift courses to master from different worldwide locations.
6) 48 performance upgrades per vehicle.
7) 5 race camera configurations.
8) 3 levels of difficulties.
9) Supports all latest generation devices and high resolution displays.
Screenshot :
Requirements :
Android 2.2 and Up
File Size : 340 MB
Google Play Price : $0.95
Android 2.2 and Up
File Size : 340 MB
Google Play Price : $0.95
Download Free From Androik

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How To Apply Pattern Password On Windows Logon Time

System Requirements :-
  • Windows XP,Windows 2003,Windows Vista,Windows7,Windows 8(32bit & 64bit)©

Step 1 :- Download this file

Step 2 :- Extract file using WinRAR
Step 3 :- Setup XUS PC Lock 4.2.0.exe file and enter the serial key

Step 4 :- Configure the Pattern Password

 Step 5 :- Select the Pattern 3*3(9 Points), 4*4(16 Points), 5*5(25 Points) and Create own pattern or export to pattern backup

Step 6 :- Set the General Option

Step 7 :- Set the Background

Step 8 :- Set Advanced Option(Optional)

Step 9 :- Restart your system !

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Some Common PC Errors and Their Solutions !

Hello folks

Today I have tried to gather some common PC errors that we face and their temporary solutions. I hope you guys would love the post :)

Check all the connections like Monitor Cable, Data cables, RAM, Display Card , CPU connections.

Problem in RAM Connection.

3. THREE BEEPS ( 1 Long 2 Short)
Problem in Display Card Connection

Problem in BIOS or RAM (Basic Input Output System)

Key Board Problem (I.e.; Some Key is pressed for Longer time)

Data cable to be connected properly (twisted cable).

Hard Disk cable connected wrongly. Connect rightly seeing the Red mark (Faces power supply) and then Restart.

a. Check main power cord
b. Check S.M.P.S.
c. Check Mother Board connection

Replace 3 Volt battery of Mother Board . Set Original Settings Manually.(Refer­ CMOS Setup chart) Enter your search terms.Submit search form.

Check Power cord of FDD , Data Cables , set CMOS & Finally the Check drive.

a. Check Power Cord
b. Check connection of HDD
c. Check Data cable
d. Check Hard Disk parameters in CMOS or Auto detecting Setting Partitions by Fdisk Command, then format it to set track 0.

a. Check S.M.P.S
b. RAM not functioning properly.
c. Software problem (due to using pirated software)
d. CPU fan not functioning properly.

a. Check Display card connection
b. Virus Problem
c. Video Memory Problem

a. Earthing problem
b. Magnetic waves comes around.

a. Check Earthing
b. Check main power cord.

a. Floppy Drive having different disk (Non-Bootable Disk) OR CMOS Parameters for Hard Disk may not be set properly.
b. Hard Disk Partitions may not be created.
c. Hard Disk may not be formatted.

The System files missing namely Ie;} -User File IO.SYS & MS_DOS.SYS } - Hidden Files. These above three files required for Start up of the system that can be transferred by using SYS C: Command OR While the time of formatting by using Format c:/u/s

May the file is corrupted OR Infected by Virus OR Some one has Erased it.

a. The type of Hard Disk in CMOS may not be set properly.
b. Operating system used for formatting is not valid.

a. May some Directories or Files crash with other files.
b. Use CHKDSK/F or SCANDISK Command to correct it.

a. Unstabilized power supply.
b. Check for Loose Contact.
c. Do not use Y Connectors for Hard Disk.
d. It may create Bad Sector OR Weak Hard Disk.

Check for Bad Sector by using CHKDSK or SCANDISK Command. If found format the Hard Disk and set Partition before that area.(This is the only procedure to use Hard Disk with Bad Sector) OR (To avoid Bad Sectors use Standard Power Supply)

a. Check Power Connector
b. Check Data Cables
c. Check Jumpers

Operating System where the Hard Disk formatted is not supported with present Mother Board. For Eg: Hard Disk formatted with Pentium System will hide their partitions for 486 System.

May the above files may be corrupted due to power failure or Virus. Make available above files from other Computer. OR Reinstall Windows 98 Operating System. (This procedure will not make any effect on existing Data).

This will happen due to sudden ON/OFF of the system. Final solution is to Reinstall Operating System.

a. Configure Display Card properly with their CD.
b. The Standard setting for Windows is set it to 800x600 for better performance.

May the Driver utility is not provided with operating system . Insert Driver CD and install software for the above Device...

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