Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Nepali Food Recipe खाना बनाउने तरिका

Nepali Cuisine

Nepal is very rich in food varieties. Nepali cuisine includes different cuisines with local spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

The food items are also affected by cultural, tradition and topography. People eat vegetarian as well non vegetarian food in equal proportion. People in Nepal eat fresh and home cooked food. Mother at home generally cooks food for the family. Nepali generally eats 3 times a day; two meals and a khaja.

Dal Bhat or Roti tarkari is the main meal for almost all in Nepal. Other cuisine varieties.

Nepali food mainly consists of rice, wheat, corn, lentils. Vegetables form primary part of meal. Meat is also becoming a part of regular meal.

Nepali cooking involves many cooking techniques. Some of them are stewing, stir-frying, grilling , smoking, deep-frying, boiling and braising, marinating, tempering,steaming,fermenting and roasting.


Potato — 2 lbs
Cooking oil –half a cup
Sesame seeds– half a cup
Cumin powder –1 spoon
Fenugreek seeds (Methi) - Some
Turmeric powder — 1/5 spoon
Coriander powder — 1 spoon
Asafoetida powder (heeng) (optional)– pinch
Green chilies – 5 – 10Lemon juice — half cup
Coriander leaves– few
Salt- your taste


Boil potatoes, peel it and chop into quarters

Roast sesame seeds (Teel) (half cup) on a pan till it turns light brown and starts crackling, after which grind it in a food processor

Heat half cup of oil in frying pan and add about 30 – 40 methi seeds till it turns dark brown

Add cut green chilies (about 6 – 9 depending on your taste) light fry chilies for 20 seconds

Add spoonful of coriander, cumin and 1/5 of turmeric powder

Add the ground sesame seeds and salt to taste (You may add pinch of Asafoetida)

Cook for a minute in low flame. Stir it continuously

Add the potatoes cook for about 3-4 minutes (stirring continuously)

Add half cup of fresh lime/lemon juice. Mix it very well

Garnish with fresh chopped coriander leaves

Now it is ready to serve.

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